a little bit of yarn coming today...
Hey there!
This morning in Mooresburg, we woke up to a winter wonderland. I’ve just come inside from shovelling out doors, pathways, woodpiles, etc. and am feeling invigorated and so happy to be welcoming the winter again!
A small but beautiful selection of colours on Organic Merino DK are appearing in our shop this morning (yay!) I wrote a little bit more about this lovely yarn and the colours that we have prepared in a newsletter that went out last night and am including the newsletter text below for anyone who doesn’t subscribe or just wants to read my ramblings twice…
ORGANIC DK will be in the shop TOMORROW (which is now today…01/12/20) @ 11am EST
That’s right, in a slightly unconventional move I’ve decided to add a little selection of colours on Organic DK to our shop tomorrow. Because we’re only adding one base and the selection is smaller than we usually offer, this yarn will be sneaking into our shop without the usual fanfare. Nonetheless the colours are gorgeous and I hope you enjoy them!
Organic DK is a lovely yarn. Around here we call it ‘the puffy stuff’ because it is indeed very puffy. Round, bouncy and soft, it knits up fast and is a delight to work with. (It can easily be knit into most patterns asking for worsted weight yarns) I won’t be offering my usual colour previews but will say that you can expect a really nice range. I have spoken (somewhere) before about the colour palettes that emerge around a change of season; they are usually my favourites because they capture little snippets of the larger seasonal shift that is occurring around me at the time. Tomorrow’s collection of colours were dyed over the past few months, beginning in late summer and ending in late autumn, and are a reflection of that large transition here in Mooresburg.
p.s. the skeins shown above are an especially lovely product of recent colour exploration. In contemplating the reddish-browns, purples, pinks and luminous warm greys of many local plants that are preparing for winter, I stumbled into this colour. Its name, ‘Octopus’, does not reflect my source of inspiration, rather a parallel train of thought that was also in my mind at the time. Almost the entire Viola team has watched (and loved) My Octopus Teacher and I dyed this colour around the time we all watched this beautiful film. If you haven’t seen this film and would like to watch something bright, meaningful and positive I recommend it wholeheartedly.
a little Barn Sweater swatch knit in Organic Merino DK, STONE….which might be my favourite colour in tomorrow’s update and is full of beautifully subtle colour surprises…
Polwarth & Alpaca is (almost) back. At Last!
Many of you have been eagerly awaiting the return of Polwarth & Alpaca, the completely dreamy blend of natural white and fawn alpaca with Polwarth that Emily used to knit the Soirée sweater from Knits About Winter. The wait has been a long one, so long, in fact, that we wouldn’t blame you if you found a different yarn to use instead! With the much anticipated return of our beloved P&A last week, the Viola team enjoyed a quick celebration before deciding that we had run out of time to offer an update before the end of this year. And so, Polwarth & Alpaca is at the top of our to do list when work resumes in January. As usual, we will be updating you through this newsletter as our plans take shape. Some of you have whispered about Soirée Kits, and that is a lovely idea indeed. I can’t say just yet whether or not kits will be possible, but one way or another lots of Polwarth & Alpaca is awaiting us all in 2021.