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VIOLA yarn is sold through SHOP UPDATES. A specific date and time is announced in advance through our email newsletter and at that time, we’ll add a whole bunch of new yarn to our shop. It can be hectic, both for you shopping and for us behind the scenes. If you’ve ever been curious about what we’re up to, read on. We are always adjusting and improving our process in the hope that it will be clear and simple for you and efficient for us too. Here’s where we are at right now…

update day!


 Once an update goes live, we leave a 24 hour window for shopping before sorting orders. This provides time for folks to shop all around the world as well as a window of time for us to respond to queries and fix any bugs that may have appeared. It is usually a busy time for us, so please have patience with us if you are awaiting an email response.

Days 2-4


After that 24 hour period, we begin to consolidate multiple orders, which usually takes one to four days. Throughout this process we do our best to match skeins in each order (especially if you’ve purchased a garment quantity). Once all orders have been picked, we double check every order one at a time, checking to make double sure that the contents and quantity of each order are correct.


Unfortunately, our store is not designed to process high volumes of orders at the same time. Occasionally we find that the same skein has been purchased more than once and at exactly the same time and the inventory system doesn’t cope well when this happens. We will do our best to distribute the yarn that we have in a fair way, which depends on each situation and will contact those who have ‘lost’ their purchase to arrange either a replacement or a refund. It’s a funny situation and we do our best to make sure that you get the yarn you chose.

day 5


Once we are confident that all orders are correct, we can begin to pack. The shape, size, weight and proportions of each parcel are unique and depend on the variety of yarns in an order. These factors, as well as the destination, determine how an order will be packed. Packing each order is a new puzzle with new variables to consider. It’s a great brain exercise, but far from quick or simple! We take very great care in packing each order, to ensure that they will reach you safely and intact. We are also in the process of transitioning to plastic free packaging. Your order may arrive in recycled materials, but rest assured it will be safe and well packed!If placing multiple orders, we ask that you please select the same shipping option each time. When it comes time to process shipping labels, all multiple orders must be consolidated in our shipping software manually. When combining orders with varying shipment options, there is no way to ensure that the option you wanted appears with your combined orders. We understand that paying for multiple tracked parcels adds up quickly, but there is no other way to ensure your yarn is sent with the shipping option you chose. We work as quickly as possible to send shipping refunds back to you, but must go through all the steps above before we are able to.

days 6-10


Once the last of the parcels have been dropped at the post office, we can sit down to calculate shipping refunds for multiple orders. Again, this process is not automated. We sift back through your orders to tally up your total charges, compare them to the Canada Post charges and send you the difference. A fee of $8 CAD is applied to all combined orders, to offset the labour and time involved in this process.

days 11-12
