Explore the techniques used to embroider the Sky Map Wrap in Issue 26 of Pom Pom Quarterly. Sky Map features embroidery that is visible on the right and wrong sides of the wrap, requiring some careful stitching and finishing. We will explore techniques to keep stitches tidy on both sides of the wrap, as well as how to achieve a variety of shapes and sizes of stitch. After covering the basics, we will move onto experimenting with motifs, colour, size and placement to create an infinite variety of patterns and effects. Each student should leave the class with the skills and knowledge to embroider their own constellations. Example swatches showing a variety of colours, yarns and stitches will be available to illustrate many possibilities each knitter has when it comes time for stitching their own wrap
Friday, December 7th from 4-8pm.
$125 per person